Thursday, November 29, 2007

I Got Uh Ri--THUmb

So there is something to be said for standing around, Lebowski-like, trying to figure out which rug will really bring your Shaker room together, and, more especially, will make it livable, given that you don't plan to pay for heat this winter. Did this with Dawn yesterday. Reassuringly domestic, once I stopped being irked by it.

I do actually find the rhythms of life interesting. Like in a real concrete way, the way I find that I walk faster than most people seem to through the hallways at college here. So people think I'm real busy, or think I think I'm real important. But then I am more still (stiller?) than others when I get where I'm going and it's time to discuss whatever it is. And people think it's weird. To me, steady movement in the morning seems appropriate, along with sitting quietly just staring out into the middle distance does in the evening. Dawn's more or less the reverse.

It's no surprise, I'm sure, that I feel like my rhythm is almost always out of synch with everybody else's rhythm. Doubtless that's partly because I'm an INTJ, and a morning person.

In AmbitionNotes, the new occasional DeMarkAtion blog feature describing things I probably won't (get to, or get around to trying to) do, I shall endeavor, a la PigPen, to clean up my blog space by New Year's: it's a New Year's p/resolution. Maybe get a photo or two if Beth will help, maybe figure some other aspect of it out and have more excitement pour vous. Probably not, though. We'll see.

Going into Advent, my music: The Strayaway Child, by the Chieftains; edifying reading, Eugene Peterson's Subversive Spirituality; hope, making progress on 25th anniversary plans (shhhh, don't tell Dawn, she doesn't know. I mean really: she doesn't.); favorite blog, dooce, as it's almost the only one I read; favorite website, none, but I'm having to visit a lot for work...

First wish for 2008: no more Shrubbery, as Molly Ivins would put it...
Second: the end of credit card debt.


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